Looking to join the club?

You’ve come to the right place. There are a couple of steps to becoming a new member. First and foremost, safety is the most important thing at any gun range. Because of this, we will need you to fill out a membership form and complete a safety induction.

The safety induction involves watching the below video, coming down to the club and talking to one of our team about gun safety. Once that is done, you will shoot 25 targets under their guidance to make sure that you can shoot confidently and safely.

If you are looking to book in for a safety induction simply ring or email the club and we will be able to organise a time that suits you.

The induction is a one on one process where we go through the working of all the machines, and what to do in the event of breakdowns or issues. If you have not shot before we go through the mechanics of shooting and provide some insight into how to shoot with correct form and; more importantly, how to shoot safely. If our team deem that you are not able to conduct yourself safely around firearms at the end of the induction, we do reserve the right to fail you and refuse membership. It will need to be recompleted before you are awarded membership and the cost will be incurred.

If you don’t have a licence yet and need help with that, we have a handy guide linked above and here which walks you through the process.